The Parish Council will hold its monthly meeting in the Village Hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 15th February.
All residents are invited to attend. Download the agenda here.
The Parish Council will hold its monthly meeting in the Village Hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 15th February.
All residents are invited to attend. Download the agenda here.
It would be nice to know when the development along the river ,rowing club entrance will be finished and the area replanted . The barriers are frequently on the road and the lighting at night is very obtrusive in this area for wild life and frankly doesn’t seem necessary . Is there any representation the Parish Council can make to Headington School or the contractors.I see it is once again flooded.I hasten to add others have commented on this to me so not a lone voice.
Thank you
Agreed. This area, including the Wittenham Clumps, used to have a “dark sky” designation, which is most likely lost.
On the road safety front, the temporary red barriers across the entrance are largely displaced; at the edge of the road here between the barrier & new driveway exists a deep gully. This is hard for motorists to detect, especially at night or when filled with water.
We have sent several invitations to the bursar of Headington School to attend a parish council meeting to discuss aspects of the boathouse as they affect the village. He told us in December he would be available for the February meeting but he has not yet confirmed.
If you receive a reply I would be grateful to hear if they intend to come to a Parish Council meeting. I was not in anyway criticising the PC as know from experience how difficult these situations can be. The heavy Lorry’s going to the site when construction took place have not helped with the road surface along that road also of course the flooding. I wonder if when new budgets come in April this well used road could get a make over rather than odd pot holes filled which never last. Even the pothole filled by David Cameron as a photo shoot is now breaking up!
They have got what they wanted and don’t care now ,the surface they used should be questioned that amount of tarmac is causing more of a flooding issue ,have they put in any sort of drainage etc ?questions need to be answered!
Donna has a very good point! Given the information below (taken from the latest P/A for the site), it would be worthwhile for the Parish Council /SODC Planning to check if this planning statement has actually been complied with.
P21/S4420/FUL – ref. 2021-12-15 Additional Information – Drainage
An extract from the Drainage Statement – Proposed Development at Maddy Moorings, Headington as prepared by Scott White & Hookins – November 2021.
On Page 2 of this report it states:
“The proposed vehicle turning area, parking areas and pedestrian areas are proposed to be constructed with permeable surface constructed using a heavy-duty plastic grid with a block or grass finish. A permeable sub-base below the surfacing with a geotextile membrane to prevent any fines but will allow surface water through to provide some attenuation and act as a form of treatment for surface water before it infiltrates into the ground layers as per the existing greenfield scenario.”