Bus Shelter Poppies

Claire Brown, on behalf of Wittenham WI, writes …

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this fantastic display of over two hundred and sixty poppies on the High Street bus shelter – see below.

We had knitted, crocheted, sewn and crafted ones made by young and not so young residents and from several newcomers.  Contributions came from the WI, Lunch Club, Brownies, the Primary School and many individuals.

A brilliant community spirit and our thoughts go out to those in war torn areas.

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2 Responses to Bus Shelter Poppies

  1. Congratulations to ALL concerned with the “Bus Shelter Poppies”
    very pleased to see the amount of Care taken by the persons responsible.

  2. Debra Steele says:

    It looks amazing. Thank you all.

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