Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) has asked the Parish Council to pass on the following information to residents.
The Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) project, being jointly undertaken between OCC, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and Cherwell District Council will ‘go live’ on 1st November 2021.
CPE is the decriminalisation of most on-street parking offences, such as parking on a double yellow line, meaning they are no longer considered a criminal offence.
By introducing CPE, the enforcement of these offences transfers from the Police to the Local Authority (OCC) which employs Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) to patrol and issue penalty charge notices. OCC will take on the responsibility for on-street
parking enforcement within South, Vale and Cherwell districts, (all off-street parking enforcement will remain the responsibility of the relevant district council). To manage the service, OCC has appointed Conduent Parking Enforcement Solutions Ltd.
Under the new powers, CEOs will be able to enforce the majority of restrictions where traffic orders and regulatory signs and lines are in place, for example double yellow lines or disabled bays, or overstaying the prescribed period for parking.
Download the CPE Frequently Asked Questions.
There is more information on the OCC Civil Parking Enforecement webpage.