The Parish Council has been advised that the detailed planning application for the Community Hub is now acceptable to South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) and Oxfordshire District Council (OCC).
The planning officer’s delegated report is being finalised over the coming couple of weeks, and will recommend approval subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement. Solicitors for SODC, OCC and the developer Thomas Homes have been instructed to finalise the details of the Section 106 obligations, which, when signed and completed, will allow SODC to issue the planning permission.
I wonder as am sure many others do why SODC has taken so long to agree an application that is well thought out and protects the village from over development giving improved facilities that can only be a benefit to the village .This is a sympathetic development in keeping with the area keeping the village alive with new facilities for the whole village. Thanks go to those Councillors who haven’t given up as one obstacle after another has been found and so delayed approval. The. Village is lucky to have people willing to give their time for free .
Thank You
Well done! At last we can have some progress. Thanks to those who have persevered as SODC kept moving the goal posts!
Great news. Thank you to all those who have worked to bring things this far.
What great news, even though it is a long time coming. I hope this will provide encouragement for other villages to keep going with their plans. Well done everybody who was actually involved.