The result of the public enquiry into Kler’s proposed development of the land at the corner of the Didcot Road and Fieldside is expected in mid January. In the meantime Chris Brotherton and his colleagues at Thomas Homes are making good progress on the planning application to develop the community hub and supporting housing on Mr Weavers’ land off the Didcot Road opposite Saxon’s Heath.
A meeting was held to discuss the current plans with the Planning Department at South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) on 14th December at which the Parish Council were represented. Thomas Homes will now respond to the feedback from SODC and hope to have revised plans in place by February/March 2018. At that stage there will be a further consultation meeting with the village before plans are finalised.
The plans include a new school which will incorporate the pre-school, a new village hall, a village square adjacent to the hall and a new playground. There are currently 37 houses in the scheme, from two to five bedrooms, including 11 two bedroom houses. The exact number of houses may change depending on SODC feedback.