Fullamoor Quarry Decision Looming

Oxfordshire County Council have begun a second round of public consultation on the sand and gravel quarry between Clifton Hampden and Culham.  The planning decision will depend on this consultation response.

Hills Quarry Products have supplied further information, but according to Bachport (Burcot & Clifton Hampden for the Protection of the River Thames), nothing in their proposal has changed:

  • Bachport’s concerns have not been addressed.
  • The Culham Science Centre’s concerns have not been addressed.
  • The quarry will generate significant, long-term, negative impacts on the four surrounding villages and on visitors using the Thames and Thames Path.

Bachport ask that if you previously objected, to write again or resend your letter.  If you haven’t written before and would like to, now’s your chance.  Bachport have set out a strong case for refusal and they need this supported with your objections.  Your email today may take a minute or two but could affect the countryside and the local community for the next 10 to 25 years.

Send your emails or letters by 1st March to:

Email: Gemma.Crossley@Oxfordshire.gov.uk
Post: Gemma Crossley, Environment & Planning, Speedwell House, Speedwell St, Oxford OX1 1NE
Reference:  MW.0039/16 Fullamoor Quarry

For more details visit the Bachport website: http://bachport.uk

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2 Responses to Fullamoor Quarry Decision Looming

  1. malcolm mciver says:

    I object strongly to the proposed plans for the proposed gravel quarry at Clifton Hampton NR. Culham, will-affect the whole area the Rd. structure is not sufficient to handle any more traffic and the amount of noise and dust it will generate is totally inexcusable. there is no need to open a new quarry in this aera as the existing quarries can supply Oxfordshire for the next 18 years
    Malcolm McIver.

  2. Admin says:

    Thank you for your comment. May I suggest you express your concerns directly to the OCC planning department by emailing Gemma.Crossley@Oxfordshire.gov.uk quoting OCC application number: MW.0039/16 where they will carry more weight.
    Martin Elliff.

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