Have your say on a proposal to give Oxfordshire district councils greater protection from speculative housing development as the county’s future housing needs are planned.
The Oxfordshire Growth Board, which is a joint committee of the six councils of Oxfordshire together with key strategic partners, is consulting on proposals which would mean that district councils would only need to provide a three-year land supply, rather than the five-year supply which is normally required, while a Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (JSSP) is developed. A JSSP is being drawn up to provide a tool for considering the county’s growth in a co-ordinated, long-term way, in addition to localised plans which help to guide development at district-level.
The proposals would also mean that a Housing Delivery Test (HDT) would be in place for three years after the JSSP has been adopted.
The changes being put forward under the proposals would make it harder for unplanned speculative housing development to get planning permission and would also allow councils to focus on preparing the JSSP and their respective Local Plans.
For more detail on the proposals, and to submit your views, visit the Oxfordshire Growth Board website. The consultation is open until Thursday 12th July.