Hub Queries Answered

Some concern has been raised by a very small number of residents that the revised Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) allocates a site for the Community Hub development which looks much larger than the original plans.

The latest plan on the website sets out a DRAFT plan which will be subject to further consultation with the village before it is finalised.

Oxfordshire County Council and the Diocese have asked that the school site is “future proof”  by enlarging the playing fields, just in case the school ever needs to grow from its current half form entry to a one form entry school, requiring much more outside space.   Fortunately, our friendly landowner has agreed to sell more land for this extra open space.  The additional land shown on the plan is solely for playing field space.  However, the legal agreement for the land also limits the amount of housing to the number required to cross fund the Community Hub.

One benefit of the NDP and particularly the revised version is to allocate only two new sites: the “Land Off Fieldside” site and the Hub site.  The Land off Fieldside already has outline consent and the Hub will be developed for the benefit of the village.

As the Parish Council will become the owners of any additional land not required for the school, the village will be in control of its future use, and the NDP will not support more development on this open space.

Residents are encouraged to come to future village meetings to add their ideas on how best to develop the Hub site as this is a marvelous opportunity for the village.

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2 Responses to Hub Queries Answered

  1. Donna King says:

    so explain,is the village hub going to be at the end of Saxons heath where is the access rd going to be ?Saxons heath is not suitable to be come a main rd!!!!!!

  2. Steve says:

    Dear Donna
    The Hub Development is planned to be opposite the entrance to Saxons Heath. There is a plan on the website under the Community Hub tab.
    The link below should take you straight to it.
    If not click on Community Hub and go to Plans and Documents and then look at the last item.

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