The Friends of St Mary’s Long Wittenham has been accepted as a beneficiary of the South Oxfordshire Charitable Lottery.
The Friends charity was founded over twenty years ago by a group of Long Wittenham residents who got together to raise funds to provide those little extras for the church that normal church funds can’t. The major project at present is the building of a much needed all-access toilet and kitchen to make the church a friendlier and more useful facility in the village.
The Friends is now an official beneficiary of the SO Charitable Lottery which means that buyers of a £1 lottery ticket can nominate that 50p will go to The Friends. The rest of the ticket price goes to other good causes, the prize fund and running costs – the council does not receive any of the proceeds.
Tickets are purchased via the SO Charitable Lottery website (see below). The first draw will take place on 28th April and will then run weekly. There is a one in fifty chance of winning a prize, with a jackpot of £25,000.
Please register and buy lottery tickets to support our beautiful church:
If you know someone who might be persuaded to buy tickets, download and send them this flyer.