Cllr Peter Rose, the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Committee, writes:
Although we have not been able to report any progress on the Neighbourhood Plan for several months, we have been busy behind the scenes.
The current Plan was submitted to the examiner a year ago. Following the most recent public consultation, the examiner asked for some clarification about the archaeology on the Hub site. An archaeological investigation as part of the planning application subsequently revealed more Anglo-Saxon remains. As a result, Historic England decided to assess a large piece of land along Fieldside with a view to scheduling it as an ancient monument. (The Parish Council had discussions with Historic England three years ago about the possibility of this site being scheduled but at that time they did not feel there was enough evidence to proceed.)
This assessment has involved much discussion and negotiation with help from our developers and an independent archaeologist employed by the Parish Council. We heard on 11th March that part of the site has been scheduled.
Most of the scheduled land is where we had proposed to have a school playing field as part of the Community Hub, but some the scheduling involves a small part of the area we had planned to develop. We are currently in discussions with our developer to understand the implications of this and hopefully, we will develop a new plan for the Hub site to address this complication.
Details of the scheduling can be found at:
Contact Peter Rose at