Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy Consultation

The Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS) provides a framework for Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), Oxfordshire’s five planning authorities and key partners to establish strategic infrastructure investment priorities as well as potential opportunities for funding and delivery.

The stage 1 report looking at infrastructure priorities to 2040 is now being consulted upon, with Stage 2 of OxIS planned to be carried out later this year to align with the next stage of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

In order to rank the different projects, the OxIS scores each against five themes – environment, health, place-shaping, productivity and connectivity – resulting in a seven-point scale to determine its relative ability to fulfil Oxfordshire’s future needs to 2040.

The consultation is asking the public to give their views on which of the five themes they feel are most important, whether any strategic infrastructure schemes have been missed and thoughts on the methodology used in the strategy.

Residents can get more information and take part in the consultation here:


The consultation runs until 31st August 2021.

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