Physical Activity Levels

Have you been more active than usual over the last five months or has the Covid-19 pandemic had a detrimental effect on your health and well-being?  How do you feel about returning to activities and what measures would give you the confidence to get back out enjoying an active lifestyle?  Perhaps nothing changed for you and you were able to continue doing the activities you love.

These are all things that the Active Communities Team at South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils would like to know more about, to help them shape future provision of sport and physical activity across both districts.

The survey will ask you how active you were before, during and after lockdown.  Has there been a change in the activities you do, and have you tried anything new?  What have you missed most and how do you feel about the future?

To take part please complete the online survey by Tuesday 8th September 2020.  You will not be asked for your name or any contact details.  All raw data will be deleted after a survey report is prepared.

Your responses will reveal the impact Covid-19 has had on well-being and help the councils shape future opportunities for residents to be more active, with the aim of improving the health and well-being in communities.

If you require this survey in an alternative format (for example large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages), please email or call 01235 422425.  If you have any queries you wish to discuss with the Active Communities team, or if you would like to hear about the findings of this survey or sign up to get updates on Active Communities news, please email or call 01235 422240.

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