Emma Newman of the Pump Track project team writes …
Residents may have noticed things happening at Acklings Field in preparation for the building of the Pump Track. We are very excited and thrilled at the response in terms of donations and the number of people who have offered their time and muscle power, and cake making and sandwich making skills. Thank you so much.
If you have already volunteered, information will be emailed to you shortly with everything you need to know: when to arrive, what to bring and how to keep yourselves safe on the day (as well as details of the wonderful food we will be providing).
If you have not already volunteered and would like to get involved, we still have some slots to fill on 20th, 26th and 27th June. Email Emma Newman at emmanewman@me.com or Catherine Harrison at crmharrison@me.com if you would like to help.
Safety information:
A reminder to all villagers to keep yourselves, your dogs and your children outside of the fenced off area at Acklings until the fencing has been removed. Not only is it unsafe to use until it is finished, you may also risk damaging the track if you use it before it is ready.
Acklings will also be closed completely to anybody other than volunteers on the build weekends (19th/20th and 26th/27th June). We will have heavy machinery operating and need to ensure that we do not have anybody on site who is not directly involved in the build.
Thank you for your understanding.