Time is running short to register your objection with Oxfordshire County Council over the latest moves to establish a sand and gravel quarry on land near Clifton Hampden. The closing date is Monday 30th July. Hills Quarry Products has revised its plans following the county planning committee’s decision last November to reject by an overwhelming majority the company’s original proposals.
The main opposition group Bachport (Burcot & Clifton Hampden for the Protection of the River Thames), supported by local Parish Councils, says the changes between the two applications are minor and insignificant and do not address the main concerns: traffic, Green Belt, environment and economic growth. All will be harmed.
The quarry says Bachport will destroy the tranquillity and openness of the Green Belt land and would desecrate the landscape. Bunds the height of three-storey houses would be erected. Eighty lorries a day would be added to already congested roads and lead to more pollution. Bachport says the county has more than twenty years of aggregates supply and another quarry is not needed.
You can object in one of three ways:
Online at http://myeplanning2.oxfordshire.gov.uk using Ref: MW.0074/18
Email to emily.catcheside@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Post to Emily Catcheside, Planning department, Oxfordshire County Council, Speedwell House, Speedwell Street, Oxford. OX1 1NE.