Further to the publication of the latest version of the Local Plan on 12th October, South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has now published a stand-alone Local Plan Policies Map.
The Local Plan Policies Map shows the locations of housing and employment allocations and other location specific policies within the plan, including changes to the boundary of the Oxford Green Belt.
The stand-alone Policies Map can now be viewed on the SODC website (see below) and in the following locations:
- The council office at 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park
- All public libraries in South Oxfordshire during their usual opening hours
- Abbey House Abingdon, Abbey Sports Centre Berinsfield, Chalgrove Post Office, Clifton Hampden Post Office, Cornerstone Didcot, Culham Science Centre, Didcot Wave Leisure Centre and Oxford City Council’s St Aldates Office during their usual opening hours.
Please also note that the consultation period has been extended to Thursday 30th November 2017. This is to provide people with the opportunity to consider the Local Plan Policies Map and the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).
The SHELAA provides a technical assessment of the suitability, availability and achievability of land for development. It is an update to the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA), which was published in March 2017. The updated document is available to view online (see below).
The Local Plan Policies Map and all the other Local Plan documents, and details of how to comment are available here.
The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) is available here.