Support Your Village

A reminder that the SODC Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday 27th September 2017 at 6pm at Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, OX11 7HN to discuss the Kler planning application for 36 houses on the field at the corner of the Didcot Road and Fieldside.

Speaking for the village will be Steve Brown, Peter Rose and our District Councillor, Sue Lawson.

One of the key issues in our objections is that we do not believe that safe access can be provided to and from the Kler site.  Steve Brown, who has spent his professional career in local government highways departments will focus on this issue.

Peter Rose will speak as Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee.  If the Kler plan is approved, it will effectively render our Neighbourhood Plan redundant.  SODC say that they are committed to NDPs.  We want them to prove it.

Sue Lawson, who has followed this saga and supported us through thick and thin, will also speak against the application.

Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting to demonstrate the strength of feeling in the village.  During the proceedings you will be asked to raise your hand to show you are from Long Wittenham and attending as an objector.

If you intend to go along, please send a brief email to that effect to

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One Response to Support Your Village

  1. Jacqueline Armstrong says:

    In my opinion it is not just the Neighbourhood Plan that is at risk. It is the pollution that the cars of the owners of the proposed 36 houses will bring with them. It is a proven Fact which the Government are very slowly starting to address Ha Ha!!!Vehicles are adding to the air pollution even though there are supposed to be stricter new pollution tests in place. Deisel car exhaust is a Group 1 carcinogen which causes Lung Cancer. The news is full of the fact that the fumes from car exhausts causes terrible damage to the lungs of young children resulting in breathing difficulties increased numbers of children with Asthma and the High Increase of deaths as a direct Result of the Exhaust Fumes from cars. So that walk to school or the Family Stroll with your young child in it,s pushchair (at the height of the cars exhausts) at the weekend is probably causing more harm than good. Lets not make our village,s pollution any worse than it all ready is! We already have crippling traffic jam,s in the village every morning and evening which are only going to get worse once didcot is extended with thousands more houses being built. Maybe we could introduce a toll charge to people wanting to use our village as rat run to and from work so we can ofset the damage to our folk by planting wooded area,s. We need a proper bus service too. Many people living in the village have to have a car to buy food get to the doctors , Dentist, work etc some of the families have as many as 5 cars with 3 adult children living at home. Because lets face it these houses are being built so that our young adults are not able to afford them it will be those with higher income coming from outside. Destroying the family network of support even more, putting more pressure on young families wanting to stay here and have the support of their family. The only housing that should be built if any should be council housing for the young of this village that are in work and pay the rent so that more social housing is available to those that need it because the money is available to build it. Well that my rant over for now!

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