The Village Community Speedwatch Team are always on the look out to recruit new members and they are appealing to residents’ sense of community spirit to join them to help make the village roads safer.
With a bigger “pool’ of volunteers the number of sessions per month could be increased, and reduce the work load on the existing team.

Young volunteers walking to school.
The team’s presence has a noticeable effect on speeding motorists through the village. Speeders are reported to Thames Valley Police and sent a warning letter. Regular offenders are rare but can be prosecuted.
In the eight months between the group starting in February 2023 and September 2023 they have checked over three thousand five hundred vehicles and caught ninety-eight speeding drivers, nine of which were travelling at more than 30mph.
They are asking for volunteers to sign up for one to two hours a month for a period of four months or more. A session is one hour. All members need to complete and pass online training, which is straightforward, multi-choice.
If you are interested in joining this very friendly group, and helping to keep the village roads safer, please send an email to
The group looks forward to welcoming you to their dedicated team of volunteers.