Vanderbilt Homes and Didcot Road Traffic Calming

Some residents have asked if it is worth objecting?  Well, yes it is!  You may think that objecting to new developments in the village is not worth the bother as no-one takes any notice.

Recently we saw the plans for Vanderbilt’s housing development.  The Parish Council and a number of residents sent in lots of complaints about its ideas.  Vanderbilt is now making huge changes to its plans to take into account our concerns.  South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning Officer has also told the Parish Council that we will get a second round of consultation when these plans are ready.  So, yes, complaining can be worth the effort.

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Highways is consulting on the roadworks planned for Didcot Road.  Many of you will have seen the leaflet dropped through your letterboxes at the end of last week.  Thank you to everyone who have already sent in their comments, but please read on.

The consultation is about the Zebra Crossing and Traffic Calming.  These will be needed even if the Parish Council wins its battle with OCC so that the road doesn’t have to be moved, but there are problems with the proposals, as explained in the leaflet.

It is really important that objections focus on the traffic calming.  If you have already objected to moving the road you can still complain about the traffic calming measures.  Just send a follow up email to the same address before Friday night (14th).

Details of the plans and how to object are here:

Thank you for your support.  It can work if there are enough of us.

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5 Responses to Vanderbilt Homes and Didcot Road Traffic Calming

  1. J May says:

    I have sent the following re Zebra Crossing/Traffic Calming :
    Dear Jane Clark
    Long Wittenham Parish Council & many residents have made clear their strong objection to these proposals, which are in conflict with our Neighourhood Development Plan. I would also like to object.

    The scheme proposed has many shortcomings, and involves huge inconvenience and disruption for villagers and traffic through the village, and is completely unnecessary, given that the situation regarding ownership of the ditch could be readily resolved by OCC.
    As the responsible Highways Authority, I would ask OCC to resolve this situation as rapidly as possible for the benefit of the village, rather than for that of the developers.

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
    Yours Sincerely

  2. Sue says:

    Hi Jane

    There are other options that should be used. There is a viable option to another area where the safety sightlines could pass and is already in our NDP for access to the new village hub.
    If you resolve the ownership of the ditch as raised by our parish council then the road would not have to be altered at all.

    The proposal if it goes ahead will blight our village by completely destroying the rural aspect of this end of Long Wittenham. It should never have been considered at all. With climate and environment protection one of the most important aspects now. Damage to any green field, tree or area for water to be absorbed should be not allowed.

    I trust that you will oppose this awful scheme with the utmost vigour on our behalf.

    Kindest Regards
    Sue Tucker
    6 The Crescent, Long Wittenham,
    OX14 4QA

  3. CHR No 11 says:

    Hi Jane,

    Thank you for the leaflet you sent us.

    Please can I register my full support for this scheme. Motorists have been driving too fast around this bend for a long time. This was not helped by the decision of Oxfordshire County Council to paint chevrons around the centre of the bend, making the road look wider and encouraging motorists to cut the corner.

    It is currently almost impossible to cross safely as a pedestrian across Fieldside due to rude, inconsiderate and speeding motorists, especially if like me your mobility is impaired.

    Your decision to slightly divert the road and add extra street furniture provide a much needed brake on traffic speeds at this end of the village. I would invite anyone who disagrees to join this war veteran trying to cross the road whilst getting beeped at and abused.

    Yours sincerely,


    • mike duff says:

      Hello CHR,

      I share your concern at the speed of traffic in the village and especially at The Cross.
      The whole point of the campaign is to insist that the present (poor) Traffic Calming arrangements are replaced and improved so that vehicles will not be able to go as fast as they currently do. If Vanderbilt’s present proposals are implemented then they will do nothing to slow traffic at the bend and Fieldside and will encourage cars to go faster past Saxons Heath. Sorry if the leaflet failed to make that clear!


  4. J May says:

    Just to make it clear – I had nothing to do with the leaflet! This was just my response to the request for comment…..

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