Organisations in Long Wittenham are invited to apply to the Parish Council if they would benefit from a financial donation. Every year the council receives requests, mainly from charities outside the village, but the council is keen to support local initiatives.
Some outside bodies that rely on public support such as the Citizens Advice Bureau in Didcot, the Gatehouse drop-in café project in Oxford and some cancer support organisations are already supported by the Parish Council because villagers benefit.
The council is anxious to support more village groups and will be approaching the W.I., Lunch Club and Scouts and Guides for suggestions. Any group can apply for financial help. The council has previously contributed towards the cost of the new play equipment in Bodkin’s Field and has helped the athletics club.
Council Chairman Gordon Rogers said: “Although we make donations to some outside bodies that are of benefit to Long Wittenham residents, we are keen to support village groups and organisations that play an important role in the community. We can only make modest donations but even a small amount can make a difference in helping groups keep their heads above water.”
For more information call the Parish Clerk Rhonda Hinson on 07949 888575 or email: