Winter Fuel Payment

The Winter Fuel Payment has changed and Age UK Oxfordshire is urging older people across Oxfordshire to check whether they are entitled to Pension Credit or any other qualifying benefits.

The Winter Fuel Payment is an annual tax-free payment for households that includesomeone born on or before 23rd September 1958 (for 2024-25) designed to help cover heating costs in winter, with households receiving up to £300.

Previously, the payment was not mean-tested, but changes by the current Government mean that only those receiving certain benefits will receive the contribution to heating costs.

Pension Credit is the primary way older people can continue to receive the Winter Fuel Payment, and with an estimate of more than 4,000 older people across the county not claiming the Pension Credit to which they’re entitled, it is more important than ever that people check their eligibility.

Pension Credit is an income-related benefit that tops up weekly income to £218.15 for a single person and to a joint £332.95 for a couple.

There is more information at or call 0800 991 234.

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4 Responses to Winter Fuel Payment

  1. Ann Tomline says:

    This is a cruel decision for many proud elderly people who have worked and given in harsher times support for their Country and many do not ask for help you made do you put up with what life threw at you The saying “Make and Mend “comes to mind.As you age you need warmth you can’t move around the same to keep warm. I have heard nothing about disabled people and presume they also will loose this much needed allowance. What have we come to when train drivers earn more than nurses and still aren’t satisfied.
    It seems to me that the louder you shout the more disruption you cause now appears to be the answer. I worry for the world my grandchildren are growing up in.

  2. June Eastwood says:

    Please sign the Age UK petition that now has almost 400,000 signatures rejecting this proposal on behalf of those affected. Countrywide there are 800,000 eligible pensioners not claiming the pension credit they’re entitled to. I believe the Daily Express and a Silver something group are also petitioning against this. With a large enough groundswell against this movement, maybe the government will rethink their decision.

  3. June Eastwood says:

    Admin, thank you. We are judged by how well we treat our children and the elderly.
    Not impressed so far.

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